Do you have difficulty in math IA? Do you want to improve your grades in math IA and need to know how to start? Do you need help grasping the concepts? Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get a better hold on your math IA.
1. Research question
The first step in developing your research question is to choose a topic that you find exciting and relevant. This will help you stay motivated throughout the project.
You should also make sure that your topic is broad enough to allow you to explore it entirely but narrow enough to be tested relatively quickly.
Once you've chosen a topic, it's time to decide what specific aspect you'd like to investigate. This is known as a research question. A good research question must be:
Meaningful - What is its purpose? Why are we doing this study?
Researchable - Can we answer this question using available data? In other words, does the study involve collecting data from existing records, or would new information need to be collected? If so, how would we do this? If not, why not?
Tractable - Could you solve this issue within the scope of our study? Is enough information available to answer our question, or do we need more information first?
2. Get more data
Identify your problem and discuss how it is related to mathematics, why it is necessary, who would be interested in the solution, what previous attempts have been made to solve it (if any), and how you intend to solve it.
Use the internet or library to gather as much information about your topic as possible. This will help you better understand your problem and discover an approach others have not considered.
Research the topic by reading literature, looking up sources online, talking with experts in the field, etc. The more information you can gather, the better you will be to understand and solve the problem.
Ask yourself: What are the steps needed to solve my problem? How can I break down this process into manageable and clearly defined steps? What tools do I need to complete each step? Are there any resources available that would make this process easier?
3. Explain what you are trying to solve or answer with your investigation.
4. Hypothesis
Could you present your hypothesis or the expected outcome of your investigation? This may be presented as a formal theory or as an informal idea that can be tested by investigating further.
5 Resources
Could you describe all resources needed for your investigation (for example, a calculator)? They must be appropriately labeled for your bibliography (e.g., "TI-84 Plus C"). Use MLA format citation. Footnotes are a must.
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We hope this article has helped you in your journey toward IBDP. You can find more information about writing these essays on our website or email us at if you have any questions.