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For the 2024 SAT Exam

SAT All inclusive

Support for students online throughout the IB Diploma programme.
Join thousands of students and register now.

Instructors :

Experienced Tutors

March 2024

Personalised attention

6 Students per batch

Study Material

Regular feedbacks

75 hours



Improve grades
& confidence ahead of SAT exams!

Delivering exam-focused revision workshops successfully for years, Riforma has helped thousands of students excel in their exams and attain amazing SAT scores.

About the Course

SAT All Inclusive

It is the most popular option for SAT preparation. The fundamentals of each idea are presented. The program includes assignments, simulated exams, and review exams. The course lasts 4+ months. This course is taught in a group of 5 students.

1. Comprehensive Coverage: The SAT All Inclusive program provides comprehensive coverage of all the fundamental concepts needed for the exam, ensuring you are well-prepared for test day.

2. Simulated Exams: The program includes mock exams that allow you to practice your skills and identify areas that need improvement. This helps you to build confidence and reduce anxiety on test day.

3. Review Exams: The review exams in the program help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus on areas that need improvement.

4. Group Learning: The SAT All Inclusive program is taught in a group of 5 students, allowing you to learn from your peers and benefit from group discussions and collaborative learning.

5. 8-12 weeks of Learning: With over 8-12 weeks of learning, the SAT All Inclusive program provides ample time to cover all the important concepts and practices extensively.

6. Affordable: The SAT All Inclusive program is affordable compared to similar programs, making it accessible to more students.

So why wait? Sign up for our course today and take the first step towards achieving academic success. Enroll now to start your journey to academic excellence!

SAT Preparations

At Riforma, we're committed to providing an exceptional learning experience. Our teaching model is structured to ensure your success, and we're excited to share some updates we've made.

1. Our courses begin with a frequency of 3 classes per week. We've updated our model to include 1.5-hour sessions, with 50 minutes dedicated to content delivery and 15 minutes each for concept-related questions and homework discussion. This ensures that you have enough time to understand the material thoroughly and get all your questions answered.

2. We understand that sometimes, students may still have conceptual gaps, even after reviewing the course material. To address this, we practice topic-wise drills that cover these gaps and ensure you completely understand the material.

3. Our syllabus is delivered within 8-12 weeks, giving you enough time to learn each topic comprehensively. Once the syllabus is covered, we engage you in sectional practice, covering all topics and concepts and working on tips, tricks, and time management skills to excel in the test.

4. Following this, we conduct full-length tests, and there's a one-on-one review session with mentors to address any doubts or concerns you may have.

5. If your first attempt at the actual test does not yield the predicted score, we rigorously implement sectional testing cycles and full-length testing cycles for a second try. Along with the practice cycle, we also provide booster sessions to review important topics.

We're committed to your success and want to provide you with all the necessary tools to achieve your goals. Enroll now, and let us help you unlock your full potential!


Global Indian International School, Singpaore

7Wiseways 的課程內容豐富,在我所欠缺的所有領域都為我提供了幫助。此外,除了覆蓋我的疑慮/弱點之外,我們以舒適的速度領先於教學大綱,因此我將在學校做的概念也很清楚。我收到的作業很有挑戰性,可以幫助我反思自己的立場以及需要努力的地方。

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